How To Prevent Moths At Home

It’s very common to have a moth in your house as they get in through doors and window cracks. The moth eggs hatch in your house as they lay eggs on furniture or rugs. To reduce the risk of an infestation with some pest control services as it is maybe difficult to prevent the moths with DIY methods. Try to protect the clothes and other items from moth damage. 

moth control
moth control

Here are the ways to prevent the moth at home:

  • Clean wool and cashmere garments

Whenever you are wearing wool and cashmere garments outside then gently rub them. Moth larvae adhere to the things and easily infiltrate your closet. So keep the moth larvae away with regular cleaning.

  • Before storing clothes wash them

If you are storing your clothes and other belongings for a long period then wash them properly. After washing, keep the clothes under the sun to dry naturally. This is the best way to wash away or destroy the eggs or larva present in clothes. Then store the clothes in boxes and closets.

  • Use airtight container

If you want moth control then it’s highly recommended to keep the clothes in an airtight container. Prevent the moth from entering and laying eggs with firmly locked chests, airtight baggage, and plastic packing.

  • Vacuum Regularly 

For pet-friendly pest control use a vacuum on the furniture, sofas, and hidden areas. Before the moth eggs hatch, the hatch tries to remove them. You can prevent the moths from entering your home if you draw curtains through windows and doors at night.

  • Use dry storage space

Never store your clothes and other items in moist and humid places such as outside sheds, the basement, and garages. Keep the clothes and other belongings in an indoor closet or dry place.

  • Avoid climate-sensitive areas

The climate-sensitive locations in your home are cellars, carports, and backyard sheds so you must avoid storing your things in these locations. Some moths are attracted to cupboards, kitchens and food items in your house and they cause havoc to food and other items. So, follow the best pest control preventative measures to keep them away. In this way, you can keep your clothes, meals, and other belongings safe. 

The most common moth found in your home:

The three most common types of moths are webbing moths, case-making moths, and pantry moths. The webbing and case-making moths damage leather, wool, silk, fur, and natural fibers in your house but pantry moths feed on cereal, nuts, birdseed, and other items. 


Identify the primary source of moths in your house and follow some tricks to trap flying moths in your house. Try to suck up the flying moths if you have a vacuum with a hose. On your carpet continuously use moth spray and powder and also clean the infested areas. After cleaning, don’t forget to empty your vacuum tank. Hire professional pest control services and the technician will explain the treatment process to you and offer the best prevention advice. So call us now for the best solutions or reach us online too for Same Day Booking Services.

Effects Of Pests On A Property

Your property is not a home for pests. Unfortunately, the pests still target your home. Hence, pests are a complete hassle to your property. Moreover, the pests can be slightly dangerous while they can even be highly fatal. Next, the pests can be very few or maybe many that cause a severe pest infestation. They can not only harm your health but can even aim at damaging your property. So what kind of damages can pests make to your property, we will know in detail.

Kind Of Damages Pests Can Make To Your Property:

Property Damage And Termites: If you have wooden furniture in your house and ever experienced a hollow sound on tapping, that indicates it is already worn out. Moreover, it may also indicate that some of its parts are eaten by termites. Therefore, under such circumstances, you need to appoint a professional to detect the termite’s infestation level in your house.

On the other hand, there are also various species of termites. For instance, the dry wood termites attack even on the hardest wood. Next, they build a tunnel through the wood and inclines to chew it. Subsequently, the pests like ants, carpenter bees, beetles, can also damage the wood. Above all, when the wooden structure in your house gets affected by such pests,  it becomes quite fragile. Also, it becomes vulnerable enough to face sudden cracks and collapses.

Weak flooring: Suppose, you have wooden flooring. Next, stepping on it suddenly makes you realize its instability then possibly termites are existing. Due to getting deteriorated your floor can also become visible with crumbling or flaking. Further, you may find the curling boards on your floor.

Electrical issues: Rodents, rats, and mice are very popular to bite and nibble your electric wires. With their growing teeth and eagerness to chew soft items, they target your household items foremost. At first, they start with biting clothes, furniture, plastic stuff, rubber stuff, carpets, and more. In like manner, the mice also build nests in large size electrical appliances. These chewed wires can be at the risk of producing fire.

The repetitive biting of electric wires will make it lose its efficiency. Thus, this way you may run out of proper electric supply. Maybe the power will be too dim or may completely run out. Thus, appointing professional help for managing electric issues and pest problems should be considered immediately. Hence, such power issues can also be hazardous if ignored.

Mud tunnels in the house: The pests like wasps and termites are known to build such mud tunnels in your home corners or on walls. Certainly, termites tend to build such tunnels of mud to store feces and saliva. Next wasps build it for storing larvae. Furthermore, if you find such mud tunnels inside your house then you might consider it as a pest infestation.

Damaged fabric: The pests like moths, carpet beetles, and silverfish are good at spoiling the fabric. The adult moths lay eggs in the clothes while baby moths eat the clothes. Therefore, moth larvae tend to feed on fabrics till the time they get mature. Hence, moths are well-known to feed on clothes, fabrics, fur, carpets, decor, etc. Moreover, undergoing such damages unnecessarily is not worthwhile. Here, appointing Pest Control Birchgrove is what your property needs.

Damages in furniture: Be it plastic, or wooden furniture, or fabric. The pests like termites, beetles, moths, rodents know well to find their sources for food and shelter. Most of the pest types prefer a dark place as their shelter. Therefore, the large and dark furniture like sofa, bed, can be a good place for them to hide. At the same time, not simply staying but ripping and craving holes out of your furniture can also become their habit.

The spoiled appearance of walls and corners: Most of the time you might have observed the long queue of ants marching on your walls. Next, the long spider web and big spider are hanging on the corners of your walls. In addition, the lizards and cockroaches also tend to live into the wall gaps. They make the holes between the bricks their home. Also, they find many other corners on top of the ceiling to hide. The moment when these pests will crawl out of their shelter, it might be unpleasant to you and your guests.

Nevertheless, how can we forget rodents and rats? These pests also make holes in your house at the corners. This way they take the easy route from one room to another. These holes also make your house and walls appear to look unpleasant.

We discussed major issues that these tiny pests can make your property face. Therefore, stay vigilant about the signs of pests infestation to take a brave step forward against pests. Professional pest actions are always proven to be the best in understanding and eradicating pests issues.